31.05.2016 - SEE Documentary Marathon
- 10.00-11.00: ARISTOPHANES IN DNOPOLJE, 58 min, Serbia, Dir. Natasa Milojevic.
- 11.00-11.30: “The Children of My Father”, 26 min, Macedonia, Dir. Besfort Imami.
- 11.30-13.00: “Uncle Tony, Three Fools and the Secret Service”, 87 minutes, Bulgaria, Dir. Mina Mileva and Vesela Kazakova.
- 14.30-14.45: “STROKES”, Vladimir Perovic, 15 min. 2016, Montenegro.
- 14.45-15.00: “A Ship Sailing to the Immeasurable”, Saso Dimoski, 16 min, 2016, Macedonia.
- 15.00-15.05: “Bektachis”, Manuel Poutte, 5 min, 2016, Albania, France
- 15.10-16.50: “In a Vortex”, 100 min. Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Director: Zoltán Siflis.
- 17.00-18.30: LogBook_Serbistan, 95 min, Serbia, Director: Zelimir Zilnik.
- 18.30-20.00: Round table - "Cinema and Migration"