International University Europa Prima - Skopje
International university Europa Prima - Skopje
st. Nikola Rusinski nr. 1
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3061543
Fax: +389 2 3067 609
Mail: [email protected]
st. Nikola Rusinski nr. 1
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3061543
Fax: +389 2 3067 609
Mail: [email protected]
Ministère de culture de Monténégro

Remerciement spécial au Ministère de culture de Monténégro, notre sponsor principal.
Tel.+382 41 232 570 / Fax.+382 41 232 572
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.+382 41 232 570 / Fax.+382 41 232 572
E-mail: [email protected]
INALCO - Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales
Grand Etablissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel sous tutelle du Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, l’INALCO a pour vocation d’enseigner les langues de l’Europe Centrale et Orientale, de l’Asie, de l’Océanie, de l’Afrique et des populations de l’Amérique, ainsi que la géographie, l’histoire, les institutions, la vie politique, économique et sociale des pays concernés.
Macedonian Film Agency

The Macedonian Film Agency, established under the Film Industry Law (Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia No.82/2013), officially began its operation on 01.01.2014 as a legal successor of the Macedonian Film Fund. Primary objective of the Macedonian Film Agency is to stimulate and support the development of the Macedonian film industry. In order to achieve its goals the Agency aims at providing a continuous support to the production of films of national interest, stimulating international filming co-productions, encouraging expert and professional education of film industry professionals, stimulating the creation of national screenplays, promoting Macedonian Cinematography at renowned international film festivals and events as well as attracting foreign producers by offering them favorable conditions, thereby promoting Republic of Macedonia as a filming location. The funds needed for the operation of the Macedonian Film Agency are provided from the Budget of Republic of Macedonia and from other sources established by the Film Industry Law.
In order to fund film industry projects of national interests, the Agency during the current year publishes a call for funding projects which support the writing of screenplays and a call for funding projects for organizing domestic festivals and other film events of national character.
The Agency establishes a Film Council to perform/carry out expert works/duties within the competencies of the Agency as well as to take measures for promoting the film industry, and appoints film reviewers to review the projects submitted at the public call published by the Macedonian Film Agency. In order to evaluate the financial and operational plans and the budget of projects submitted for the call, the Agency appoints a financial advisor.
In order to protect the minors in Republic of Macedonia from films which may affect their moral, physical or psychological development, the films intended to be distributed in Republic of Macedonia and to be exhibited in cinema theaters, or in any other form of public presentation, must be classified/categorized, in accordance with the content of the film.
The refund of funds is made after the finalization of the filming of the film/television project in the Republic of Macedonia. The Commission for Establishing the Right to Refund determines whether the applicant meets the requirements for obtaining a right to refund. The Commission for Establishing the Right to Refund consists of one Chairperson and four members, appointed by the Government of Republic of Macedonia.
In order to fund film industry projects of national interests, the Agency during the current year publishes a call for funding projects which support the writing of screenplays and a call for funding projects for organizing domestic festivals and other film events of national character.
The Agency establishes a Film Council to perform/carry out expert works/duties within the competencies of the Agency as well as to take measures for promoting the film industry, and appoints film reviewers to review the projects submitted at the public call published by the Macedonian Film Agency. In order to evaluate the financial and operational plans and the budget of projects submitted for the call, the Agency appoints a financial advisor.
In order to protect the minors in Republic of Macedonia from films which may affect their moral, physical or psychological development, the films intended to be distributed in Republic of Macedonia and to be exhibited in cinema theaters, or in any other form of public presentation, must be classified/categorized, in accordance with the content of the film.
The refund of funds is made after the finalization of the filming of the film/television project in the Republic of Macedonia. The Commission for Establishing the Right to Refund determines whether the applicant meets the requirements for obtaining a right to refund. The Commission for Establishing the Right to Refund consists of one Chairperson and four members, appointed by the Government of Republic of Macedonia.

Alkaloid AD Skopje
Founded in 1936, Alkaloid brand is recognizable andwell-established, just like its motto – “HEALTH ABOVE ALL”… sloganof one of the key drivers of the Macedonian economy. Headquarteredin Skopje, with its 14 subsidiaries and four representative offices (involving the USA, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey and all the countries of the former Yugoslavia) Alkaloid is the sixth largest pharmaceutical industry in SEE.Alkaloid places its products in more than 30 countries worldwide and has several manufacturing plants in the capital Skopje, and one in Belgrade, Serbia. The company has about 1500employees, 1150 at the head office in Macedonia and around 350 in subsidiaries.
Pharmaceuticals, in addition to chemistry, cosmetics and botanicals, make up the mainstay of business activities, and over the past 15 years more than 100 million Euros has been invested in this sector, in facilities and production technology.The turnover of Alkaloid in 2013 was more than 115 million Euros.
Export orientation, stable market position, openness to newpartnerships and implementation of the highest standards in thebusiness practice - are some of the key points in the corporate strategyof Alkaloid AD. The success in Alkaloid’s operations Alkaloid is dueprimarily to its high quality products, well trained professionalsworking in the company, the Alkaloid brand and its individual brands, built interim decades of existence.
Founded in 1936, Alkaloid brand is recognizable andwell-established, just like its motto – “HEALTH ABOVE ALL”… sloganof one of the key drivers of the Macedonian economy. Headquarteredin Skopje, with its 14 subsidiaries and four representative offices (involving the USA, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey and all the countries of the former Yugoslavia) Alkaloid is the sixth largest pharmaceutical industry in SEE.Alkaloid places its products in more than 30 countries worldwide and has several manufacturing plants in the capital Skopje, and one in Belgrade, Serbia. The company has about 1500employees, 1150 at the head office in Macedonia and around 350 in subsidiaries.
Pharmaceuticals, in addition to chemistry, cosmetics and botanicals, make up the mainstay of business activities, and over the past 15 years more than 100 million Euros has been invested in this sector, in facilities and production technology.The turnover of Alkaloid in 2013 was more than 115 million Euros.
Export orientation, stable market position, openness to newpartnerships and implementation of the highest standards in thebusiness practice - are some of the key points in the corporate strategyof Alkaloid AD. The success in Alkaloid’s operations Alkaloid is dueprimarily to its high quality products, well trained professionalsworking in the company, the Alkaloid brand and its individual brands, built interim decades of existence.
ONG CNRJ - Organisation Non Gouvernementale des Cercles Nationaux de Réflexion sur la Jeunesse
66, avenue des Champs-Elysées
75 008 PARIS
66, avenue des Champs-Elysées
75 008 PARIS
Le Courrier des Balkans

Créé en septembre 1998, Le Courrier des Balkans est aujourd'hui le principal portail francophone d'information sur l'Europe du Sud-Est. Webjournal libre et indépendant, Le Courrier des Balkans publie les informations et les analyses de la presse démocratique des Balkans afin de promouvoir l'échange de vues et le dialogue.
Salon du Livre des Balkans

Ce salon, le seul consacré en France à cette partie de l'Europe, vise à présenter les Balkans autrement. Il a pour ambition de montrer au public français quels sont les éléments communs à la culture des divers pays balkaniques que l'histoire, la politique, les langues, les religions ont pourtant séparés depuis des siècles.
Istanbul Kültür University - Faculty of Arts and Design

L'université, dirigée par les principes de «participation, le partage et la responsabilité", réunit les études d'art et de design. La créativité artistique et les méthodes modernes de conception sont à la base de l'éducation.